In the past…

The Empress Maria Therese decided to start a school in Trnovo in 1778. The first lesson started on 1st of September 1787. Each pupil had to give some money to the teacher and if the children hadn’t gone to school regularly parents had to pay a higher fee.

Pupils had 11 lessons per week in the first class and 14 lessons in the second and the third class. They were learning German, Mathematics, Grammar, Translation form German to Slovene and vice versa. Pupils had to go to school for six years till they were 12 years old.

110 pupils attended the school in 1787 and only 74 in 1853. After the Second World War the number of pupils rose and a new school had to be built in 1962.


In order to achieve our objectives, students and teachers work on projects quite a lot. They participate in different class and school’s projects as well as in Slovene and international projects, using modern ICT technology.

School projects
During each school year we work on different projects, on different levels with different numbers of pupils and limited time. The whole school project, called the Open Door Day is the most outstanding event for the whole school. All teachers and pupils participate throughout the year and the Open days the day of presentations of our work on different topics and a celebration for all: pupils, teachers, parents and all guests.

Current national and international projects

We participate in different national development and innovative projects in collaboration on national and international level.

  • SKUM: Developing communication skills through art education
  • ERASMUS+ KA1 project Better education for better tomorrow, KA2 project Happy Society, KA2 project Two sides of beauty and the river between them
  • DOV: Trnovo Primary School Open Day
  • ND: New Year’s event at Trnovo Primary School
  • Incredible Years: Classroom management program for teachers
  • Chinese culture and language at Trnovo Primary School
  • School Digitalisation: Encouraging the use of ICT equipment at Trnovo Primary School
  • I*EARN: International Educational Research Network
  • Sports projects at Trnovo Primary School
  • School fruit scheme: Encouraging fruit consumption among students
  • Arranging the school grounds: Pupils’ concern for the orderly surroundings of our school
  • Parents for parents: Transfer of knowledge and experience between parents of Trnovo Primary School
  • ECO corner: Corner for sustainable development at Trnovo Primary School

More about OŠ Trnovo >

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